Green car with yellow primer

A vehicle with an excellent paint job is one of life’s true joys.  It’s like being the kid with the biggest piece of birthday cake or with the best bike in the neighbourhood.  Whether you drive a a ’66 Beetle, a ’47 Eldorado, or an ’07 for two, a fantastic paint job will take your vehicle from ho-hum to headturner.

Actually creating a magnificent automotive paint job takes finesse and skill.  Automotive painting is one of the most painstaking and arduous tasks in crafting an automobile. It can also be one of the most pricey.  If you are on Read more . . .

White car canopy

When you’re tucking your baby in at night, you want her to be cozy, warm, cozy and safe from harm.  That’s why so many car enthusiasts use car canopies for protection from the elements.

A car canopy is a great way to shield your vehicle, when you just don’t have the room or the money to build a fixed structure.  Car canopies offer security from the elements, including snow, ice, rain,  and harmful UV rays, all of which can cause irreversible damage to your vehicle.  If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to shield your car from the elements, consider a car canopy. Read more . . .

Office space for rent

One of the first lessons we learn about business is to take the guarantees of your car dealer with a grain of salt. Of course, there are honest sellers who have your best interests at heart, but the sale still reigns utmost with many.  Now that leasing is becoming such a popular option with today’s consumers, the old car dealer scams have taken new shape.

It seems that, these days, there are as many people leasing cars as buying, and with good reason.  Leasing offers Read more . . .

Brown & silver vacuum cleaner

If you’ve ever tried to vacuum your car using a household vacuum cleaner, you know how difficult it can be.  The hose gets tangled, the nozzles are just too big to get the crumbs from those small nooks and crannies, and the cord won’t reach the driveway.

That’s why a car vacuum cleaner can be a wise investment for drivers who take pride in their rides. Read more . . .

Battery of a porsche car

Think of the battery as the heart of your vehicle.  You need a battery you can depend on to get your motor running and keep it pumping all day long.

The car battery is an important element of the intricate network that makes your car start and keeps the engine  functioning.  The battery powers most of the car’s accessory structures and electrical components  such as the headlights, fan, turn signals,  etc.  While the alternator supplies most of the electrical needs of the entire car system, the battery can keep them going in the event of an alternator malfunctions. Read more . . .