Man driving a truck

Phoning while driving increases year by year, even as evidence of the risk accumulates.  More drivers than ever are talking on cell phones. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that at any time of day 6 percent of drivers on U.S. roads in 2005 were using hand-held phones – double the  rate that was observed 5 years ago. The highest phone use rate in 2005 (10 percent) was among drivers 16 to 24 years old. Read more . . .

You hear a lot about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, especially if you’re a teen, and while we don’t want to minimize the threat of substance abuse, they are not the top killer of teenagers. Instead the number one cause of death among teens is car crashes. In fact, the fatality rate for teenage drivers is nearly four times higher than for drivers past their teenage years. Read more . . .

A group of young boys

“We know that adults can’t always persuade teens to do what’s best for them even if it will save their lives,” said Len Hunt, vice president in charge of the Volkswagen brand. “Sometimes peer pressure is more persuasive, which is why we decided to let teens convince other teens that buckling up is the thing to do.”

As part of a contest sponsored by Volkswagen, high school students from Read more . . .

The difficulty in demonstrating effectiveness of driver education has often been cited as a reason for dropping this curriculum from public schools. At the same time, alternate means of delivering driver education have proliferated, through home schooling, driving schools and auto clubs, as well as computer and web-based instruction. Currently, there is no comprehensive set of guidelines for evaluating driver education programs. Read more . . .

Varsity in green shirts

If you’re the parent of a teen, you are probably frightened about the alarming accident statistics regarding teen drivers. But there are steps you can take. Research shows that when parents take an active role in their teens’ driving education and set certain guidelines, their teens’ chances of being in a crash can be reduced by up to one-third.

But what specific actions should you take? Chrysler Group’s Road Ready Teens program offers these safety tips for  Read more . . .