If there were any hesitations about Errett Lobban Cord, there is certainly no doubt that he was an optimist. Classic car CordHe believed in creating  a better mousetrap, and he believed in the American Dream. Of course, his American Dream of producing a successful line of automobiles bearing his name had already come acropper once. He and his team at Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg had designed the  technologically advanced and beautiful Cord L-29 only to see the stock market crash soon after its introduction. With sales of less than 4,000 over the course of its 3-year run, Cord was forced to stop production of the model and re-group. Read more . . .

The story of Errett Lobban Cord is an American legend of success and failure, of attempting mightily and falling hard. Cord L29 Classic carIt mirrors the age in which he lived, and it is chock full of soaring  victories and dreadful failures, and, of course, his ultimate creations, the Cord L-29 and Cord 810/812, ultimately represent both. Read more . . .