If William Durant hadn’t got involved in a heated discussion with Walter P. Chrysler,  there might never have been a Chrysler Corporation. classic Chrysler 300 carThus, there would not have been the Chrysler C-300 and this space would have been filled with the fable of  the Chevrolet Corvair or the Nash Metropolitan. But in 1920, soon after Billy Durant regained control of General Motors, Durant and Chrysler a got into a knockdown, drag-out argument that ended with Chrysler slamming the door and walking away from GM forever. Read more . . .

This morning it is very  probable that you had an encounter with David Dunbar Buick’s most important gift to the world, Classic carand we don’t mean the Buick Roadmaster or any other Buick automobile. Truth be told, Buick’s  most amazing contribution to our lives came in the bathroom. He patented a procedure for bonding porcelain to iron, creating the bathtub as we know it today. So if you took a shower this morning (and we definitely hope you did), you owe a tiny bit of gratitude to one D.D. Buick. Read more . . .